Thursday, February 28, 2008

Ginkgo Biloba -- Help or Harm

From the current online journal of Neurology comes a study of the impact of ginko biloba on memory in 118 men and women aged 85 and older. . .
. . .Ginkgo biloba, the popular herbal supplement widely promoted as a memory enhancer, offered no clear-cut protection against memory loss. . . and a small but disturbing pattern showed up in those who took the herb extract during the three-year study. . ."Seven had TIAs (transient ischemic attacks, or mini-strokes) or stroke," said study author Dr. Hiroko Dodge, an assistant professor of public health at Oregon State University. Exactly why this happened requires further study, she added. >Full Story: HealthDay News

Although the study is probably too small to be considered conclusive, it is a reminder that treatment with drugs, herbals, or other alternative medicines is always a risk-benefit decision. . .

. . . Experts are awaiting the results of a much larger, multi-center trial based at the University of Pittsburgh. That trial compared the effects of the herb [ginkgo biloba] with a placebo in 3,000 people to see if ginkgo biloba helped prevent or delay the onset of Alzheimer's disease. >Full Story: HealthDay News

We'll be waiting.

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